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Ready to get your dog enrolled??

First, we need to make sure that your dog meets our requirements prior to boarding and daycare visits. We require the following before coming in for daycare or boarding:

  • Be of Age

    • Dogs must be at least 10 weeks old and have completed their first series of Bordetella and Distemper and second booster of Canine Influenza*. The puppies may begin daycare before they receive their Rabies vaccine, but it's required by 6 months of age.

  • Be Properly Vaccinated

    • Your dog's Rabies, Distemper, Bordetella (kennel cough), and Canine Influenza* (H3N2 & H3N8) vaccines must be up-to-date. Please bring a copy with you.

    • BOTH BOOSTERS of the Canine Influenza need to be completed and have the proper post vaccination wait time. *

  • Be Spayed or Neutered

    • Any dogs interested in daycare must be spayed or neutered if they are over 6 months old. Puppies not fixed under 6 months can be in daycare up until they turn 6 months old.

  • Be in overall good health

    • No open wounds or stitches of any kind.

    • He/she must be flea/tick free.

    • He/she should be on a regular flea/tick preventative, as well as a heartworm preventative. 

    • It's highly recommended that you keep up on your dog's routine stool samples with their vet to screen for any possible intestinal parasites.

  • Be dog and people friendly

    • Owners should have control of their dog(s), this will help to avoid any mishaps in the lobby with other dogs or running out the door. Please do not let your dog get near any other dog in the lobby. Dogs have a funny way of acting differently on a leash and around their owners. All dogs must be on leashes in the lobby. 

  • Create Owner Portal account with signed Client Agreement

    • All potential clients must make an account through the Owner Portal in order to schedule a Temperament Test or schedule any future services.

    • Any future daycare or boarding clients must review and sign the Hold Harmless release form located within the Owner Portal.

    • Owner Portal access is located at the bottom of the page.​

  • Able to pass the Temperament Test (if interested in daycare)

    • This is our way to evaluate the temperament of the incoming dog and to make sure that the dog will be able to conform to the pack: following commands of the staff, be able to play appropriately, show no signs of aggression/anxiety, and adapt to our facility. This evaluation is important in order for the dog to come on a regular basis. 

    • The second, and possibly most important part of a temperament test, is to educate the incoming client of what daycare is, what we look for, how we evaluate the dogs, the possible risk and what it means if he/she passes/ fails. This protocol will allow us to cover all aspects of the test and address any potential issues, prior to the incoming dog going into the pack. 

    • Temperament Tests are $15 and 2 hours long. You may stay and wait in our lobby if you would like, but it is not required.

  • After this, we are ready to meet your dog and slowly introduce him/her to pack play. Owners are encouraged to stay a few minutes to observe their dog on our lobby TV, showing all play areas and ask any questions they may have. 

  • If you are looking for boarding without daycare your dog would need to schedule and pass a Meet & Greet at our facility.  Meet & Greets are $15.

  • If you would like a tour when your dog is in for their Temperament Test, please let our front staff know when you come back after the Temperament Test to pick up your dog. Please notify us before we bring your dog back up to the lobby. If you would like a tour before scheduling a Temperament Test, please give us a call and we can schedule a tour for you! Tours are able to be schedule between 10am-2pm Monday through Saturday, and you cannot bring your dog in with you for the tour. If you bring your dog in with you for your tour, you will be asked to reschedule. 

*The Canine Influenza vaccine: when a dog receives CIV for the first time it does require 2 boosters for it to be considered effective. Most vets will give the second booster 2 or 3 weeks after the first booster, either way dogs will not be allowed into the facility until they have received BOTH boosters of CIV. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding the Canine Influenza vaccine.

We do not take out of town clients. All clients must live within a 2 hour radius of our location. This is to cut down on the risk of potential contagious foreign pathogens entering our facility. Clients new to the area are required to live here 3 weeks before they would be able to start at our facility. 


12615 Roachton Road, Perrysburg, OH 43551, USA

Mon-Fri: 6:30am-6:30pm

Sat: 8:00am-6:00pm

Sun: 10:00am-6:00pm

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